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Pauline White
Born in Canada
87 years
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Cecilia Bourguet My deepest condolences March 3, 2015

My condolences, as feelings of pain and bitterness become unbearable. It is my desire to convey a comforting thought based on the Holy Scriptures


  John 5:28 "Do not marvel at this, because the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out."



This passage speaks of the resurrection of our loved ones. It is not God's plan to see us suffer and die, so He extends the following invitation to us: "Come near to God and He will draw near to you" (James 4:8)


Please go to the following link to obtain more information regarding the Hope expressed in this passage and again we are sorry for your loss.

Jeff & Audrey Esko Friends July 28, 2012
Roger:  Our condolences, your mother was a beautiful woman.  Our thoughts are with you and Sherry. 

Jeff & Audrey
Harriette Blessings~ July 27, 2012
Dear Roger and Sherry~~~Pauline so blessed your lives and in her leaving, Pauline was so blessed by your love and care! Amazing grace~
Cindy Hasz Geriatric Care Manager July 27, 2012
Dear Roger and Sherry,
My love and prayers to you both during your time of loss. What a precious, lovely woman. Her presence and love will always surround you.
God's blessings of comfort and strength.
Christian LEPINE, nephew With affection and prayer July 24, 2012

Dear Roger and Sherry,
I offer you my deepest condolences for the loss of Pauline. I always thought fondly of her, with her inner dignity and kindness. I am with you in spirit and prayer. It is a time of sadness and hope, the sadness of losing a most dear one, the hope of knowing that Jesus Christ is there for her and that she rejoins her family, her sisters and brother. Roger and Sherry, my heart goes out to you and I assure you of my profound affection.
May God bless you with his grace and his tenderness.
Cordially, Christian

Jeff & Key Dowler With Prayerful Thoughts July 23, 2012
Roger & Sherry,

Our thoughts & prayers are with you during this difficult time. If we can be helpful in any way, please let us know! ~Jeff & Kay
Lauren Entler With Deepest Sympathy July 23, 2012
Dear Roger & Sherry,

I am so sorry for your loss, know that I will be praying for grace, peace, and comfort for you and your family. Peace, parayers, and blessings.
Chantal Lepine We Will Be With You In Spirit July 23, 2012
Dear Roger and Sherry,

Even though her health had taken a turn for the worst, it does not make it any easier to accept the inevitable.

We had been lucky to get to know Pauline when Mom and Dad retired in Florida more than 30 years ago. So she had been part of our lives all these years; a companion to our mom, her siter as well as a delightful host for Francis, Anne-Marie, Patrice, Lucie, Jacques et I for quite a few years.

Beacuse of her, it was possible to renew the bonds between both our families.

Being so far away does not make things easy, but when there is a will there is a way.

On the 28th, we will be with you in spirit.

All my love,

Chantal, your cousin.
Francis Lepine From Montreal July 22, 2012
Dear Roger & Sherry,

It is with very great sadness that we've learned about the death of Pauline...know that she was holding and will always hold a prominent place in our hearts. She was obviously a great lady to us. A most welcoming Aunt, lively and in love with life.

Know that from the bottom of our hearts, we are wholeheartedly with you and your pain is ours too.

We think of you

Ann-Marie, Francis, Timothe  et Tristan.
Veronica, RN Hospice of The North Coast July 22, 2012
Dear Sherry & Roger,

May you be comforted in this time of sorrow. It was a gift to care Pauline.
My heartfelt sympathy.
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